This time of year is not really my favorite...cold one day, hot the next. Last week, the weather was awesome! We took our kids down to clean out the horse barn, in shorts. The boys did a great job, while Cami & I supervised! This week, however, is not so warm. Not the least bit warm, actually. We are on day 4 of cancelled school because of the snow/ice. Needless to say, the kids are more than ready to go back to school. They have watched every movie we have, drank as much hot cocoa/apple cider as they can stand, slid down the hill of ice on the board of a skateboard, had a snowball fight, made "snow-cream" and now they are on to staging videos and recording them on Josh's ipod! They are doing much better than I would have expected, being cooped up for days...and there are still 2 days left! Our imaginations are getting a work out...
We took Cami & Josh to the park again last weekend, I'll put some pics up from that outing in a minute...John & Josh enjoyed playing basketball while Cami "cheered" from the side! We also went shopping at Grapevine Mills that weekend and had Rainforest Cafe for dinner...
An update on Josh's mid-terms from a couple weeks ago...he passed them ALL! He studied and studied...and I think he is learning that procrastination is not benefitial when it comes to school work. I can only hope that he's learning that anyway. Cami recieved an "outstanding student" award at her 2nd 9 week awards ceremony! We are extremely happy with how Cami & Josh are doing in school...
Our next vacation is...a cruise in June! We are really looking forward to it. Lace & Julian are going with us. Lace & I are a little (okay, maybe more than a little) nervous about cruising...but, we are going to go anyways! I am (nervously) looking forward to it and Cami is counting down the days. I should know by now not to tell my young child that we are doing anything exciting so far in advance!
Okay...I guess that's all I am thinking that I need to share right now...I hear Josh, giggling, in the other room...I better go check them out!