In June 2011, we went on a cruise. It was, hands down, the best vacation EVER! Disney doesn't hold a candle to a cruise. No worries...AT ALL, seriously.
Once we recovered from our cruise, it was full-swing summer here on the Farm! Craziness, I tell ya. Football practice, football practice, know, Texas summer.
Cami started 1st grade, and then we celebrated her 6th birthday! Cami's Meme (my mom) and Aunt Lauren (her birthmom, my sister) were both able to celebrate with us :)
Cami is still struggling with her vision, it's hard to get a vision check very accurate I guess? But, the hearing is good. She struggles a bit in spelling/reading, but she is doing great in math. She really likes school, most days. She loves to annoy her brother, though she always swears that HE is annoying HER and not the other way around...uh huh, right! But, at the end of the day, they do love eachother...
Josh started 8th grade this year. Where has the time gone? Oh my gosh! We have had some struggles and we're not done...but, we're in it for the long haul, as a family. We made a decision, as a family (including Josh), to make some serious adjustments to his meds. Not going to elaborate here, but if you are interested I would be happy to let you know, personally. So far, he has done remarkably well. We are all very happy with his progress thus far. The teen years are times that can be stressful for all involved. I do remember being his's very confusing. You are capable of thinking *like* an adult, but not quite thinking of *all* of the contributing factors of the issue! So, we are being as patient as possible with one another. I love this boy more than words can say...
On a personal note, John & I have started a new "way of eating". We both started in October. John has lost 10 pounds and I have lost 20! We made it through Thanksgiving very successfully. Christmas was a little more difficult, I think because our Christmas break is 2 weeks long. John has been gone this week for a Basketball tournament in Galveston. So, Cami & I are home alone. Josh is visiting his dad for the week. I haven't done so well this week. I haven't gone walking, and my eating hasn't been great. Back on the wagon tomorrow!
I will try to check in more often...if nothing else, to post a pic or two of our weight loss journey :-)